The Lion as the Shepherd: A Divine Perspective

The Lion as the Shepherd: A Divine Perspective

Can a Lion be a Sheep’s Shepherd?


As Christians or believers, we must view things from the divine perspective. When delving into Psalms, particularly Psalm 23, and contemplating the role of King David and his profound relationship with God, a striking question emerges in the human mind: Can a lion be a shepherd to sheep? This question is particularly intriguing considering that Jesus is referred to as the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5) and the Chief Shepherd of the sheep (1 Peter 5:4).


This contemplation arose as I examined the dynamics between a shepherd and a sheep. As the pastor of Second Adam Church, a small house church, I possess some insights into the responsibilities of a shepherd.


Recollections from the Scriptures lead me to ponder the relationship between a lion and a lamb in the context of the 1000-year Kingdom, the Millennium Kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:4-6). Although such a relationship is not feasible in this sinful world, our Heavenly Father never intended for lions and sheep to interact in such a manner. Recognizing the lion as the most powerful animal in the kingdom aligns with why Jesus is identified as the lion of Judah. Indeed, one could say that a sheep is truly blessed to be guarded by a lion.


For believers, it is a profound privilege to identify themselves as sheep of God, considering that Jesus is both the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God (John 1:29, Revelation 5:6).


The underlying question pertains to the wisdom God desires His people to glean from this concept. Studying lions in nature reveals that male lions have distinct territories in the jungle. If a male lion enters another’s territory, a confrontation with another male lion ensues. If victorious, the intruding lion instantly kills the cubs and claims the territory. This strategy mirrors the tactics Satan employs, as scripture portrays him as a lion seeking to devour and kill believers (1 Peter 5:8).


However, Jesus, as the Lion of His sheep, does not permit any other lion to assail His flock. As the Lion of Judah, He is impervious to defeat by any other male lion. He is the Alpha and Omega, the eternal Shepherd of His sheep (Revelation 22:13). Blessed indeed are those sheeps shepherded by the Lion! Amen!


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