Where in the Bible does it talk about Jesus being Persecuted?

Where in the Bible does it talk about Jesus being Persecuted?

The Bible is an incredibly rich source of information, not only about Jesus’ life, but also about his teachings and his followers. As a result, it can be tempting to try to find answers to all of our questions in the Bible. One question that often arises is whether or not Jesus was persecuted in the Bible. The answer is yes—there are several points in the Bible that mention Jesus being persecuted. In this blog post, we take a look at the passages in the Bible that discuss Jesus’ persecution, and the implications it has for our faith and our understanding of Jesus’ mission. We also discuss the importance of persecution in our own lives and how we can draw strength from Jesus’ example. By the end of this post, you will have a deeper understanding of the persecution of Jesus and its implications for your faith.

1. Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:47-53)

Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane is recorded in Luke 22:47-53. Jesus is in the garden with his disciples when he is betrayed by Judas. Jesus has predicted his arrest, and he calmly and peacefully allows himself to be taken into custody. The chief priests and officers of the temple guard take him away and lead him to the high priest’s house. Despite the persecution, Jesus stands firm in his faith and does not resist his arrest. He continues to teach his disciples and prepare them for the coming events. This scene is an example of Jesus’ unwavering faith in the face of adversity and persecution.

2. Jesus Mocked and Beaten (Luke 22:63-65)

In Luke 22:63-65, Jesus is mocked and beaten. The passage begins with officers from the chief priests and the scribes coming to arrest Jesus and take Him away to the high priest. Once they reached the court of the high priest, they began to mock Him, spitting on Him and beating Him with their fists. Finally, they blindfolded Jesus and asked Him to “prophesy” who had struck Him. As Jesus endured this abuse, He remained silent and did not retaliate.

3. Jesus Crucified (Matthew 27:32-44)

The most well-known story of Jesus’ persecution is found in Matthew 27:32-44. In this passage, Jesus is betrayed by Judas, arrested, and brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Pilate finds no fault in Jesus, but is forced to declare his guilt and sentence him to death by crucifixion. The Roman soldiers mock Jesus and force him to carry his own cross to the hill of Golgotha, where he is put to death. Though Jesus is persecuted for no good reason, he still forgives those who carry out his execution. This passage shows us the ultimate example of humility and forgiveness in the face of suffering.

4. Jesus’ Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8)

The Gospel of Mark records the story of Jesus’ resurrection in chapter 16. It begins by describing how Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to the tomb in the early morning on the first day of the week to prepare Jesus’ body for burial. When they arrived, they found the stone had already been rolled away, and the tomb was empty. They were terrified and ran away. Then a young man in white robes appeared to them and told them that Jesus had been raised from the dead and was alive again. He instructed them to tell the other disciples the news, and they did so. This is the story of Jesus’ resurrection as recorded in Mark 16:1-8.

5. Jesus’ Ascension (Acts 1:9-11)

In the Bible, Jesus’ Ascension is described in Acts 1:9-11. In this passage, Jesus’ disciples watch him ascend into heaven after spending forty days with them following His resurrection. He tells them that He will return in the same manner they saw Him ascend, and then He is taken up into the clouds. This passage makes it clear that Jesus was not persecuted while He was on the earth. Rather, it was after He ascended that He was glorified and glorified by God.


In conclusion, Jesus was persecuted throughout his life, from the time he was a child until his death on the cross. His persecution is mentioned many times in the Bible, from the time he was born to the time he was crucified. Although he faced opposition from many people and circumstances, his love for humanity and commitment to the will of God never waivered. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus defeated death and conquered sin. His refusal to give in to the pressure of those who persecuted him is a testament to the power of faith and determination.

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